We are a team of mindful designers offering full custom-designed website services dedicated to health and wellness communities. We get you up and running right away, affordably and effortlessly.
Web Builder With A Human Touch
Custom Site Design.
Custom logo/letterhead.
Complete, High-End Site Delivered to You.
Free Set-Up & No Design Fees.

All Design is Free.
Using in-house technology we are able to efficiently fully custom design your website, logo/letterhead, and your brand, in a fraction of the time it takes expensive design houses to do the same work.
The big template sites all boast that you can “build your own high-quality website!” But have you tried one? Big learning curve, and even if you are technically inclined, who has the time to figure it out? And the design you choose will also be used by literally thousands of other people. Our price is about the same as the major template sites, but guess what…
All BodhiSites designs are fully customized to bring out the essence of your identity. We get in conversation with you to find out how you want to project yourself. With your images and direction in hand, our designers work up designs and send you proofs. Based on your feedback we refine the look, and then we deliver your new site with a…
You arrive at a site that is all set up for you, and you can take it from there with our intuitive interface. Drop your cursor into any text and start typing. Add images and videos with ease. Create additional blogs, photo galleries, forms, anything you need with the click of a button. And if you have any questions, no worries, because…
Our talented and friendly tech support team is at the ready to help whenever you need a hand. By email or by phone, we will guide you to the easy answer.
What Makes Us Different?
Until now, you’ve had basically 2 options to get a website. Hire a design and hosting company to create and set up your website, or use one of many template companies that offer pre-fab sites that you can put your content into. Option 1 is generally enormously expensive and takes a long time, and template sites, while affordable, have the nasty drawback of a big learning curve to fully understand their system, and that takes time.
BodhiSites gives you the blessed third alternative. The price of a template site, with the professional custom design of a real design house.

Easy Management.
Once you have your site in hand, you’ll find updating content a breeze.
Add images, videos, polls, all manner of content blocks that make your site rich and informative.
Watch the video to see our management system in action.
Personal Support
Unlike with big companies where tech support is often outsourced to people who are not familiar with the product, we have a highly-trained and knowledgeable team that is passionate about success for our clients.