
The hosting of your site — $29/mo if you pay annually, or $29/mo if you pay monthly — are the only costs we have that are recurring. We have a few other services we provide for low one-time fees. See here for pricing details.

If you choose to pay monthly, you can cancel any time. If you pay annually, you can cancel anytime and remaining months can be refunded. In either case a minimum of $99 is not refundable to cover our costs.

Yes, every feature that we offer can be purchased at any time. However, because it is much easier for us to install those features at startup time, we offer steep discounts if you order those features with your website.

We have a flexible limit of about 1 GB of storage space per website. This is several times more than most websites would ever use.

Page Management

Absolutely. We give you a Page Management tool that makes adding, deleting, moving, publishing, and unpublishing of pages all point-and-click easy. You have complete control over which pages are visible or hidden from public view, you can add as many pages as you wish, and you can rearrange the order of links in your menu all from your Page Manager.

There is no limit to the number of pages you can create, although good web design should tend toward concision as much as possible.

Yes, you can set up any page to not appear on the nav menu. Be advised though that search engines MAY still be able to pick up on pages that don’t have any links to them.

Design process

Our design fee of $99 (waived under our current sale) is for the whole process, including work required to get existing material such as a pre-existing logo into proper placement on the website, so the fee remains unchanged.

You have the ability at any time to swap to a completely new design. One of the great things about our system is that you can request a new design, and all the content that you have developed on your site, including text, images, and navigation structure, remains untouched and perfectly in place.

All of our designs are tightly integrated into our editing system. This is what makes our system so easy and so affordable, and it also means that we can only offer our own designs. However, as we get into the design process, feel free to send us a mockup of or link to a desired design, and our designers will do their best to achieve the desired look.

The turnaround time on our end is usually just a few business days at each step, but it can often be quicker than that. If you’re quick with approval and providing assets, we can have you live within a week.

Site Editing

Absolutely. While we do create some more complex, well-designed pages for you, editing their content is easy, and you can rearrange them at will. And creating your own pages is very straightforward.

The ideal situation is that you learn the very simple steps to edit the site yourself, it makes things go much more quickly, and usually leads to greater creativity on your part. Having said that, if you ever get stuck, you can always call or email us and we are there to help you.

Yes, we can handle your ongoing site maintenance for you, and we’d have to figure out a very reasonable monthly fee for that based on your needs. If this is something useful to you, call us at 747-444-5808 click thru to “Sales” to discuss.

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